Mastitis rundvee

How To Prevent And Treat Cattle Mastitis Naturally

Mastitis is a common problem in the cattle industry, with serious consequences for the health and productivity of your cows. While antibiotics are a popular solution for mastitis treatment, many farmers are looking for natural alternatives that are healthier for the animal and the environment. Fortunately, many natural methods are available to prevent and treat mastitis in cattle.

What is mastitis?

An inflammation of the udders in cows that is accompanied by pain, fever and a decrease in milk production. This condition is therefore caused by bacteria, viruses or fungi. It is therefore also one of the most common health problems in cattle.

Precautionary actions

The best way to prevent mastitis is to create a healthy environment for your cows. Here are some preventative measures you can take:

  • Hygiene: Keep your milking tools and stalls clean and disinfect them regularly to reduce the risk of bacterial infections.
  • Nutrition: Provide your cows with a balanced diet that is rich in nutrients and minerals needed for healthy lactation.
  • Stress management: Stress can weaken your cows' immune systems, making them more susceptible to illness. Try to identify and reduce stressors.

    Natural Treatment Options

    If your cow is already infected with mastitis, natural options are still available to help with treatment. Here are some natural treatment methods:

    • Milk treatment: Use heat treatments such as heat compresses and milk massage to improve the flow of milk and blood to the infection zone.
    • Power feed: Add herbs and supplements to your cows' diet that are known for their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
    • Homeopathy: Consider using homeopathic remedies specifically designed for the treatment of cattle mastitis.

    Cost Mastitis

    The costs of mastitis in the Netherlands for a cattle farm can vary. This also depends on the size of the cattle herd and the severity of the condition. In general, the following cost factors are involved in mastitis:

    • Loss of production: Cattle suffering from mastitis produce less milk, leading to a loss of income.
    • Treatment Costs: Treatment for mastitis may include medications, grooming, and dietary changes.
    • Animal replacement: In some cases it may be necessary to replace sick cattle, which entails additional costs.
    • Decrease in the value of the cow: A cow suffering from mastitis can lose value and therefore yield less when sold.
    • Increase in labor costs: Managing a cattle farm with mastitis requires additional time and effort for care and treatment. This leads to an increase in labor costs.

    According to a 2016 study, the average cost per cow of a clinical mastitis outbreak was estimated to be between €200 and €300, although this cost can exceed €1,000 per cow in severe cases.


      Natural prevention and treatment of cattle mastitis are effective methods to improve the health and productivity of your cows. This without the adverse effects of antibiotics. By promoting hygiene, a healthy diet and stress management, you can reduce the risk of mastitis. And for cows already infected, natural treatment options are still available, such as milk treatment and concentrates.

      Read more about the philosophy of Vossen The New Farming and animal health here.

      You can also find more information on cattle health management, including mastitis and other challenges, on the Vossen Agriculture website. We are also specialized in natural products and solutions for the agricultural sector and are always ready to help you achieve your goals.

      View the natural solutions of Vossen The New Farming here.